Monday, February 23, 2009

Exploration 7: Wikis

I recently graduated from LATI (Whoot!), where pretty much everything was communicated via wiki. (We used pbwiki.) I found it relatively painless to use and pretty hard to screw up, unless you got knocked off by forces beyond your control. (Not a good thing when you're uploading assignments.)

My extended family of eight has always had a tough time with our Christmas lists, so last year I suggested we use a wiki. I researched several and found WetPaint to be more to my liking than any other, so that's what we used.

The first thing I did was email a link to Wikis in Plain English to everyone in the family. (It explains wikis a lot better than I ever could.) Everybody was really pleased to find that they could create their own Christmas list and even link to the item on a store's website. After that, other family members could edit the lists, marking the items that had already been purchased, eliminating the chances of purchasing duplicates. (Always a problem for us on Christmas morning!) Everyone agreed that this was a much better method than firing emails back and forth, hoping that everyone that needed to see them actually did see them.

Our family's hooked. Wikis are the way to go, man. Don't fear the wiki.

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