Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Exploration 5: Library Thing

Okay, so it's been, what, five months since I've been on Web 2.0? I was busy with LATI and I was told "Do LATI first!!! Do it!!! ARRRRRRGGGGGH!!!" So now I'm back.

LibraryThing is a great way to keep track of your books. Here's my LibraryThing page if you'd like to check it out. As much as I like LibraryThing, I like Good Reads even better. It's more social than LibraryThing, although you can leave comments on both sites. Good Reads is a little more flexible and easier to control. It's also completely free no matter how many books you post, whereas LibraryThing will allow you to post up to 200 books for free. Still, I check LibraryThing just about every day. I know = Nerd Alert....

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